3D Printing

With our new selection of HP and FLSun printers, the accessibility, lightweight, and practicality of 3D prosthetics are now available!

Ask us about:


-PA12 Nylon – Great for sockets, additional support, great strength and light weight

-TPU from our HP Printers- Great for ankle gauntlets and liners!

TPU (Thermoplastic Polyurethane)

Flexible • Used for Inner liners and partial feet

PETG(Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol)

Strength • Some Flexibility • Great for Functional Parts


There are four different types of filaments available, which have specific characteristics. Have any questions? Give us a call and we’d be happy to assist!

COPOLY-CPX (Co-Polymer Polypropylene)

Light weight • Durable • Great for AFO’s

VARIOSHORE TPU (Thermoplastic Polyeurethane)

Soft Touch • Shore Hardness • Great for Insoles and Cosmetics

Any Questions? Contact Us!

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